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Edafio Technology Partners Helps Companies Be Proactive in Cybersecurity 

Edafio Technology Partners in North Little Rock, Arkansas

If there ever was a time for companies to be more proactive rather than reactive, it is now. However, cybersecurity needs vary for each business. Organizations must identify their focus and risks and know what services and protections are available. That’s where Edafio Technology Partners provides a valuable service for business partners.    

Edafio Technology Partners was founded in 1999 and has become the state’s fastest-growing, managed services information technology company. It supports over 200 mid-level to enterprise clients across healthcare, financial services, non-profit, manufacturing, government, and transportation, among other industries. Its goal is to help clients protect, run, and grow their businesses.    

With such a range of industries under its watch, Edafio must be agile and reactive to the many unique needs of its clients. Edafio accomplishes this by meeting its clients at varying points of the cybersecurity journey to provide the service needed, said cybersecurity consultant Sam Grubb.    

“We tackle cybersecurity with an organization based on its end goal and then determine what level of risk assessment we need to do based on that,” Grubb said.    

Some organizations come to Edafio with a list of compliance requirements or issues, while others come with a general worry about cybersecurity.    

“We help you determine where you are on your journey, where you would like to go, what your concerns are, and then figure out how we can address those concerns and get you to the finish line,” Grubb said.    

Edafio offers a comprehensive suite of IT solutions from management, consulting, cybersecurity, cloud computing and optimization to get the job done. No matter the need or situation, Grubb said it’s important for businesses to remember that cybersecurity is an ongoing issue.     

“Most organizations don’t realize that it’s kind of like going to the doctor or getting a yearly checkup,” he said.     

Edafio offers several services to help businesses learn about IT and cybersecurity needs, including its Security Risk Assessment.     

“An SRA is essential in protecting your company from danger. Our team scans vulnerabilities, configuration issues and account privileges. We also do a physical walkthrough of the company,” Grubb said. “This includes an inspection of your hardware, software, policies and procedures, and overall security to help you quickly identify potential threats against your company, such as hacking attempts, a misconfiguration in your network, and missing security policies.”    

Once the analysis is complete, a comprehensive SRA report is delivered.  That report outlines all assets, vulnerabilities, and identified risks. It also includes recommendations on improving your overall security and compliance.     

“Cybersecurity takes an understanding of your company’s ecosystem, and that’s where a risk assessment is beneficial,” Grubb said. “We also recommend annual assessments of critical assets with a higher impact and likelihood of risks.”    

Edafio also offers training programs and exercises to help clients learn good cybersecurity practices and raise awareness of issues. One component of Edafio’s Security Awareness Program simulates phishing emails to see how employees respond and allows for employees to make mistakes where the outcome is learning rather than a breach.    

“We find that a best practice is to offer onsite Security Awareness Training once a year. This allows all employees to have an interactive session that reinforces the ongoing training they receive online,” said Mark Hodges, Edafio’s chief growth officer. “It is important for cybersecurity training to be job-specific and look at both general security and risks to the industry.”  

Hodges also noted that training needs to also focus on the connection between cybersecurity and compliance with data regulations that protect personal data. More common regulations include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Payment Card Industry compliance measures, and the California Consumer Privacy Act.  

“When employees make the connection between cybersecurity threats and how those relate to protecting a consumer’s data, they tend to be more vigilant,” said Hodges.  

Hodges also addressed training frequency.   

“In great organizations, yearly training should not be the one-time employees are reminded about the importance of cybersecurity,” he said. “Companies should stay updated with regular awareness through things like newsletters covering current scams, cyber threats, phishing attacks, and other security topics.”   

Hodges also pointed out that many programs should take place throughout the year. Efforts such as penetration testing, which is a series of simulated cyberattacks performed by the cybersecurity company, will ensure employees are consistently putting their knowledge into practice. 

“We’re able to track how employees respond to these emails, whether that’s clicking on the email links or reporting to proper company officials,” Grubb said. “If employees do click on these emails, we provide what’s called corrective training to address the situation and provide a learning experience.”    

Grubb also shared that a popular new, interactive way to learn about cybersecurity through Edafio is a cyber escape room exercise.    

“It’s like any escape room you would do, but it’s all cybersecurity based,” Grubb said. “To get keys to unlock different layers and parts of the game, you have to solve cybersecurity challenges around the room.”    

All of this is to help companies and organizations understand their vulnerabilities and become aware of solutions for cybersecurity needs.    

“If your business could not run or if your computers spontaneously combusted, you need a cybersecurity plan,” Grubb said. “That is what happens with ransomware and malware. Your computer essentially combusts. Cybersecurity training is ongoing. We recommend it become a continuous initiative for your company.”     

Grubb shared that Edafio tries to go fiercely beyond the criteria of being simply a “cybersecurity business” by offering strategic IT management.  

“We are a cost-effective alternative to an in-house IT department for small to medium-sized businesses, offering high-quality tech alongside a wealth of specialized expertise,” he said. “Businesses must be vigilant about cybersecurity and how their employees interact with it. To thrive in the digital age, partner with a cybersecurity business that focuses on you and is good at communication.  The goal is to have a partner that always puts you and your company’s success first.” 

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